Baby Boomer Golfers: 25 minutes to a Grooved Swing and Improved Mental Focus

  The “Golf Swing from your Mind” Method for Baby Boomer Golfers

 Improve your golf swing with this unique, wellness based warm-up program! Use the David Pal 36, light and sound therapy device- before you swing!

By Steve Taylor

The longest distance on the golf course is the 8 inches between our ears! Imagine stepping up to the tee-box on the first hole. It happens to be a 450-yard, tree-lined par 5 in a picturesque setting a lovely golf course, and think, “How am I going to manage this hole, much less hit this shot in the middle of the fairway?”

The tension mounts in your hands and shoulders. The tee-box jitters reverberate in your subconscious, and your sweet, yet ferocious swing yields a 100- yard dribble down the middle of the fairway. At least it went straight! Members of your foursome scratch their heads, wondering if the Golf Gods will provide them with same luck. They still have the grace to say, “You’ll get it next time, but no Mulligan’s.” The reality is that one of the greatest obstacles and the most challenging distance on the golf course is the 8 inches between our ears.

 The “Golf Swing From Your Mind” method is a wellness based approach, intended to improve your swing and confidence at any skill-level through better mental focus, concentration and flexibility. Each golfer uses a light and sound therapy-training device called the David Pal 36 as your warm-up exercise. You don’t even pick up the club for the first 24 minutes! You just put on the patented “Omniscreen” eyeglasses embedded with special white LED lights, put on the headphones, and select the setting designated for peak performance and visualization on the small control box. A coordinated pattern of flashing white lights from the glasses and soft-sounds emanate from the David Pal 36 specifically designed to help your mind gain better focus and reduce muscular stress. The 24-minute setting for golfers facilitates visualization for “how you feel” and ball placement. Gofers report that their neck and shoulder muscles are more relaxed. This added flexibility improves your swing and ball contact. The device is very easy to use and fits in your pocket or golf bag. This is a great way to warm up for Boomer golfers.

 The Science behind “Golf Swing From Your Mind”- It just takes 24 minutes- Audio-Visual Entrainment or AVE- If you have ever sat in front of a campfire or listened to the sound of a small waterfall, you have experienced sensory stimulation called audio- visual entrainment (AVE). Your sense of sight and hearing become more focused on the patterns of sound and light. Over time, you feel a relaxed state of calm alertness.

 AVE promotes Brain-wave entrainment which is very similar to Meditation- This relaxed feeling is called “Dissociation” and most people find that during an audio-visual entrainment session, the mind clears, and mental chatter diminishes in much the same way as when we meditate. Simply put, the light and sound calm our nervous system allowing more of the good neurotransmitters that affect mood and focus to be present in potentially high stress situations. Most users notice improved circulation with their fingertips feeling warmer and improved diaphragmatic breathing. Improved cerebral blood flow in the cerebral cortex stimulated by the AVE also plays a major role in improving outcomes for brainwave disorders such as, ADHD, PMS, and managing executive decisions like anger control, anxiety control, and depression. In many cases, at the end of a short AVE session, the user will probably admit that they haven’t felt this relaxed and free from anxiety in years.

 The new Golf Swing from your Mind method developed by educator, author and researcher Steve Taylor, is an adaptation of the research completed by researcher Tom Hawes more than a decade ago for Mind Alive, Inc., the manufacturer of the David Pal series of light and sound therapy devices. You can watch video testimonials from golfers who participated in Mr. Hawes research and the current project on You-Tube Channel of OurLifeDesigns- Golf Swing from your Mind method.

Mr. Taylor is a doctoral candidate in Organizational Leadership Psychology and has worked for 8-years as a consultant with the manufacturers of the Brain-Wave Entrainment devices, Mind Alive, Inc. company.

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