Improved academic and social outcomes for students with ADHD using Audio Visual Entrainment- Parent Testimonials

These testimonials are originally posted on the website of

Parent Testimonials from around the world

The manufacturer of the David AVE training devices, Mind Alive, Inc., has compiled a compelling legacy for client satisfaction and treatment efficacy. Please review the following accounts from parents, clients and family about the efficacy of the AVE brain training devices.


Testimonial from Graham J. Hadlington
Helping Hands UK Org., United Kingdom

June 27, 2007

“We came across the DAVID PAL by accident, but what a godsend this device has proven to be.  The DAVID PAL proved to be a brilliant solution to help combat ADD.  We have also used the device continuously to relieve stress and bring a calming mood to the staff at Helping Hands UK Org.  We fully recommend and applaud the DAVID PAL and would encourage any organizations such as ours to utilize such a device.”  

Testimonial from Karen Rodway
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

April 24, 2007

“I just wanted to give you a two-week update on Kirsten.  As you know she is borderline ADHD. Her teacher started using a checklist for concentration prior to the spring break in March.  On average she had a 6 or 7 out of 10 possible checkmarks.  Over the past week she has had a perfect score everyday.  At home, Glen and I are finding her much more cooperative, less argumentative and she is doing her homework without bouncing up and down 100 times. I asked the teacher for work to be completed at home today and she has been working on it for the past two hours without complaint!  Unbelievable! One of the biggest changes is her attitude towards us.  She realizes right away that she stepped over the line and apologizes almost immediately.  Her temper outbursts are almost non-existent.  P.S. Glen tried a session when he had a headache and his headache went away.”

 Testimonial from Gwenda Travis
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
August 9, 1999

“Life was a nightmare! We really did think life was a nightmare.  Ever since our son was in kindergarten.  That’s when it all began. David, our son, was a very happy baby and a happy little boy.  We were so excited when he started kindergarten because he was so bright. 

We took him to pre-kindergarten screening.  Everything from speech and hearing to motor skills.  The nurses and therapists seemed to be very impressed with David.  His skills were good.  But then they tested him for things that took a lot of attention.  And of course I, as his mother, thought he had done exceptionally well.  But the professionals very quickly recommended that my husband and I hold David back from school for one year. 

Thats when the nightmare began. The first parent-teacher conference we had went rather well.  But Davids attention span was not what it should have been for a six year old.  We went on through kindergarten with the end result being, that the school felt like David should be held back.  We refused to sign the paperwork. Then came first grade. The problems became even worse.  After a while I finally admitted that possible David did in fact have a problem.  And again the school insisted that David be held back. We agreed.

David was then tested by the school psychologist.  Having known the man for a number of years, I trusted his opinion.  He very tactfully told us that he thought David might have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). 

The doctor began with Ritalin.  The miracle drug for children with ADD. I began a diary of Davids daily activities and moods.  Things did not seem to be getting any better.  I was still getting daily phone calls from his first grade teacher.  So the dosage was increased.  Again no change.  Again the dosage was increased.  Thats when we started seeing a little change.  But again the dosage was increased.  At this point David was taking the maximum dosage for a child his size.  He began having side effects from the medication.  At this point the doctor changed him to Cylert.  On a very low dosage we began seeing what we thought to be miracles.

Davids school work was being completed.  He didnt have as much homework.  And he was almost back to the normal David we thought we had lost. 

Then the D.A.R.E. Program started at school.  This really affected David.  He was tired of taking drugs, and he didn’t want anyone to know he took anything.  They might call him a ‘druggy’.

This is when we went to our doctor, Dr. Aaron Kaufman, and he was so excited about this treatment he had gotten in California.  It was called a Digital Audio Visual Integration Device (DAVID).  And Aaron began doing his very best to get our David and the DAVID machine together.  He also took David off of the Ritalin.

David’s first visit to Ruth Little was 12-16-91.  After the first treatment there was just a minor change.  He could ride all the way home without jabbering.  This was approximately a 10-mile ride.  We were elated.  And of course we continued the treatments.  We never told his teachers that we were doing anything about David’s lack of attention or hyperactivity.  We just let it ride.  But after each session, we noticed a little more change.  The homework was getting done, there was less of it, and David seemed much happier.  Even though we were having a few crisis at home.  David was handling them very well.  But in February, 1992, things began to happen.  It was like David had bloomed.  The homework was down to a minimum, and my husband and I were truly ready for the upcoming parent-teacher conference.

The teacher started off with ‘Has something changed at home?  David is doing wonderfully!  His homework is complete, his grades are up, and his attention in class is unbelievable!’ Of course I wanted to go hug Ruth and Aaron immediately!  The very first GOOD conference we had ever had with any of David’s teachers.  His grades all came up but one.  And that was reading.  But he did maintain the C that he was carrying.  We have continued to see remarkable things happen to David.  As a result of the good grades he made it on the Merit Roll.  This is not so much for grades as it is for progress.

As a result of the D.A.V.I.D. machine, our David is much easier to live with as a person.  There are no more repeated instructions, no more senseless fights with his little sister (who is six years younger).  Life is just so much easier now.  I couldn’t even begin to put into words the relief, the happiness and the thankfulness that the DAVID machine has brought to our David and our family.

In closing, I think any parent with a child who is having problems of any kind, learning, behavioral, psychological, any problem should be addressed by the D.A.V.I.D. machine. 

Thanks for ending our nightmare and making life just a little bit easier!”


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